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The very first step

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

When I was struggling with my bad decision of choosing wrong bra for me, I was frustrated, I was not a huge fan of wearing bra, as for me it was pretty uncomfortable, there was mainly two reason for the discomfort, one wrong size and type of bra, second climatic conditions.

Climate is not something that I can control or regulate, so the only thing where I can make some alter was on Bra.

Wearing a perfect bra has two major elements, first the correct fit and size, and second the correct type according to the occasion or the garment which you will be wearing.

For understanding the correct fit, I want you to know the most contributing factor-

that is your breast type, it was my first stage of understanding the whole system.

I found out that women body structures are unique, but still we can categories them, I started to ask question to my friends and family members about their breasts, few of them were not aware of their breast structure and mostly were confused, so I reached out to them with some pictures to identify their own breast types. When they did, I found that we can at least have 12 type of breasts.

Let’s find out what they are and how does they look. Please make sure you do the same and identify yours.

To find out the breast types which you can relate to yours, wear something comfortable find a private room with a mirror, and look closely.

For teenagers it is really important that you observe your breast growth, you might not get them sooner but once you are age of 18 or more you will figure out.

Feel happy to know yourself.

What are the different shapes of the breast?

Did you know there are no two breasts in the world that look the same? Our breasts are more like sisters rather than twins. There is slight size variation, which might not be prominently visible. This all shapes and size variations can be determined by genetics, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and your mensuration cycle.

As we grow up, we will notice significant changes in the body onset of our puberty. These changes are faced by every woman.

Let us first know about what are the different shapes that we can generally identify, and categorized. This is just in a normal scenario, as our bodies are different from each other, and we always have unique characteristics.

We will be discussing 10 types of breast types:


This is the most commonly found and considered to be standard for the bulk production of Bras.

Body forms and mannequins are considered to have this shape, this is full and round with small pointed nipples.


The word itself explains the uneven distribution of body fat tissue in the breasts, It generally different cup size in the same body. It is not a very prominent size difference.


Wider breasts, with more muscles and less fat tissues.

Bell shape/ Omega

Appearance resembling the shape of the bell. Rounder and bit wider at the bottom with a narrow top.

Larger breast size. And this isn't a shape that any woman starts with, it gets develop gradually with time.


With no separation or a very small gap between the breasts. They are placed on the center of your chest, creating more distance between underarms and breasts.


This breast shape is oriented to a cone shape, they are not round rather they are pointed.

Common shape for smaller breasts. This can be called a slim breast.


The nipples are placed outwards, pointed away from the center of the body, this is due to the breast gravitate to either side of the chest.


Contains lax tissue, looser breast tissue causing nipples to point downwards.


Characterized by an equal amount of fullness all over the breasts, coming to a small point at the middle

Side set

This is when the space between the two breasts is more, so they are further apart.

The separation is more than the east-west type. Gravitate towards the sides, with nipples pointing to the front.

Slender/ slim

Breast with narrow, tuberous structure and nipples pointed downwards, fuller at the top. The length is bigger than the width, smaller breast type


This consists of structure which is round on the bottom and just a little fuller from top.the nipples are set in the middle facing upwards.

Once you find out your breast types there can be a question arising, How these shapes have formed?

Once you find out your breast types there can be a question arising, How these shapes have formed?

To know stay with us until the next post

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