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Introducing the menstrual cup in my life

Recently one of the concerned topics of discussion is the environment and how we can preserve and protect better. As a human, we can bring changes that can be effective towards our ecology. And from that note, my concern about the environment had made me realize to bring effective changes in actual time.

From my teenage, I have come across this menstrual cup but didn't understand the concept as it was not easily accessible on the Indian market, since few years we have seen an urge for everyone towards more Eco-friendly and sustainable options. And the menstrual cup is one product that draws attention, can last up to 5 to 8 years and uses hygienic and medical silicon. We insert the cup in the vagina which will collect the period blood. This sounds a little overwhelming. Though it is Eco-friendly, the concept of inserting a silicone cup can demotivate a lot of women as they feel scared. However, I always wanted something that doesn't make me buy pads every month and does not make me feel I am on periods for 4 to 5 days. Prolong use of pads sometimes gave me rashes which cause skin irritation. Then knowing that I am generating non-biodegradable waste made me more realize that I should change my way, with a small step towards contributing to a better environment.

It starts with little researches and asking few friends about their experiences, but most of my friends were not using them, they knew very few women who use the cup, which made me feel more worried, I mean will that suit me can I do it, will there be leakage and lot of more questions lingering in my mind.

Many women's healthcare and hygiene brands have started campaigns about these cups but the information is limited as they do not share their experiences they only instruct how to use them, how to insert, how to take care and wash them after use.

This made me realize I should take a step ahead and use myself to provide a complete review so that other women who think similar to me can get some practical information directly from a very first-time user.

I got two fresh cups from different brands for my first time; it was almost like an experiment I was going to conduct upon myself.

Sirona menstrual cup- comes in 3 sizes (small, medium, large) according to the age and giving birth the cup sizes gets recommended. I ordered a cup size medium that holds up to 25 ml liquid. Cup is pink and has a little longer stem than the pee safe (my second cup) for storing it came with a jute organic bag which gave an Eco-friendly gesture. The packaging of the cup was a cylindrical hard paper-based box which was also better than pee safe.

Price- Rs 299.

Pee safe menstrual cup- comes in 3 sizes (extra small, small, large) according to age and giving birth the cup size get recommended, I ordered size small and also holds up to 25 ml liquid, cup color is pink but the base stem is little small and has a round tip at the base stem. The cup has a small pouch bag made with synthetic material to store the cup after use. The total packaging was on a less appealing square box.

Price- Rs 349

After buying these two, I was waiting for my periods to arrive.

Day 1-

I woke up in the morning; felt I am having my period, so I took my brand new Pee safe cup and read the manual once again, trying to understand the inserting process, though it came on a sealed plastic bag, for extra sanitation I took the cup and boiled it over low flame hot water for 3-5 minutes. Then took the cup with clean washed hands. Anyone can also sanitizers to clean.

I went to the bathroom bit scared as the size of the cup was not small; and bringing the thought of inserting makes me minor panic, as instructed you need to sit in a squatting position. As squatting I was half sitting, I pinched down the cup into C fold because of my sitting position I could not insert it; the cup was slipping, and could hold the fold.

Was getting messy, I was about to give up, then I thought to try one more time. This time I sat fully, like doing poop in an Indian toilet(deep squat). And used both the hands, left hand to spread the labia, the outer part of the vagina. And right hand to push the folded cup, and suddenly in one push the cup was inside, I pushed it a little inside with my fingers and also pressed the base of the cup as instructed to release the cup properly.

No part of the cup will be outside of your body.

When I stood up I felt nothing inside me, washed my hands. And wore a period panty just as a precaution as I was using it for the first time.

That same day I had constipation so for doing poop I had to give pressure, and I had a thought: what if the cup comes out while giving such pressure, but there was no such tragedy.

After getting the cup inside, there was a strange vacuum feeling. I can feel the slightest pain in my lower abdomen. This can be because of the first time using or maybe I was too conscious.

After a busy afternoon, I came back home by evening, was wearing the cup for as long as 8-10 hours so I was not thinking about removing it.

But then it was long, and I had to remove the cup. I got anxious again, as I struggled in the morning and how I am going to bring it out.

Removal process

It starts with washing my hand with soap. I sat on the floor in a deep squat, inserted three fingers, my index thumb, and the middle finger to get the grip up the stem, it went more inside as the vagina is very muscular it went inside and couldn't find the base, but putting my fingers I could feel the end tip, now I need to do some Kegel, (pushing the muscle of the vagina outside) once I pushed the stem got more prominent and pulled the cup outside, but the cup has created vacuum so it's difficult to pull it all the way, so when the stem is little out, I pushed my fingers to feel the base of the cup and pinched the cup to release the vacuum, and it came out. I created a mess as the cup was overflowing and I spilled blood over the floor. This was because of my miss calculation to wear that cup so long on the first day as I was having heavy flow and the cup can only hold a certain volume. I cleaned up everything, washed the cup in running tap water. And again, sitting in a squat position, inserted the cup. This time it was a little easier than the first.

Cleaned my vaginal area with water so that no spilled blood can stain my panty.

The entire process took 5- 7 minutes.

Then I went to take a good night's sleep.

Day 2

Woke up in the morning, required to remove the cup as it has been long and I am on my second day, sat down relaxed, and again went on the same procedure using my fingers and doing some Kegel pushing out I found out the stem and then pull out little and pinched the base of the cup and pull everything out, the cup was almost full but this time it was much more neatly done than the first day. Drained the blood and flushed out, washed the cup. Now as I have worn it over 24 hours or more, I thought to give it a proper wash, so started with sterilization which is done by placing the cup into boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, I used another Cup which I had in the same way after sterilization, washing my hands then I sat down and pushed the cup inside remembering all the processes done on the first day.

I felt relaxed, and that pain which I felt one first day is no more.

After inserting, clean up the vagina with water and do it throughout as whatever blood is in the outer wall can spoil the panty with light stain so for no stain I need this to take care of.

After wearing the cup I didn't have to worry at all, felt like normal days, even that feeling of sneezing or any external jerk which makes us feel that uncomfortable hot lump, this got reduce. Running, exercising, or performing any physical activity won't cause me discomfort.

I clean it after wearing it for 6 hours on the 2nd day, so on a day I have removed and worn it twice since the morning.

Day 3

Waking up to a good morning. Going to the washroom for emptying the cup, I washed my hand, inserted my fingers, and pull out by pinching the base of the cup, as the flow reduced the liquid has also reduced. Washed the cup into running water and inserted it again. This time things were even more smooth and non-messy, but slight blood was there in my hand, time taken for all this has reduced to 3 to 4 minutes.

Again the day was hassle-free and removed the cup once it was almost 8 hours or more.

Day 4

In the morning as I went to remove the cup, the bleeding has reduced a lot; it was negligible. It was the last day of my period; I was a little worried as the lubrication has reduced, but when I tried it got easily inserted. By then I felt confident. I wore the cup for a full day without removing it was long almost 12 hours, but it didn't cause me any irritation or any such uneasy feeling. The only feeling was free and wonderful. I was glad that I didn't give up on the first day and kept on trying.

At the end of my day, removed the cup and wore a period panty for precaution as there is little or no blood flow on the 5th day.

Had a sound sleep.

How I stored the cup after my period ended?

I didn't prefer the cup to wash with soap as there was an instruction to use mild soap as it can cause irritations otherwise, and there was no mild soap available instead. I used running tap water or boiling water while I was using it. When my period cycle ended I used hand wash soap to wash and then sterilized in boiling water and stored it for next use.

Here my few realizations after using the cup for the very first time.

  • An ultimate solution for all the period-related problems, like buying pads every month, wearing pads, not being able to feel free. This cup is a one-time investment for 5 to 8 years.

  • You need to give it a little time to adjust. It may seem time taking but with practice, it will reduce.

  • You need to keep your hands clean every time you insert and remove the cup.

  • Wearing a period panty with this can help you feel more secure.

  • Need to relax a bit before doing all this. Panicking might not go well.

  • You need to know your vagina, anyone who has not discovered their genital can face more problem using it

  • Can't recommend it if you are traveling on an Indian railway or bus for long hours, as you need a clean space to be seated in a squat position and do the insertion or removal.

  • You can keep two cups handy for better precautions.

  • Once you get the hold over it, there is no going back.

  • I have normal flow in the period, but those who have heavy flow might experience something else, so can't say on behalf of them, but I think it will work fine, just required to keep emptying the cup more frequently. For more information you can click the link below

Here are also few links that have mentioned how to use Menstrual cups while traveling or while in public places.

So all my beautiful ladies out there, if you are willing to bring some changes this cup can be a wonder and my words to others is at least try it, if you don't you will never know.

Spread these words to all the women of your life. And let's make a better future.

Share your experience in the comment section.

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